Come and experience our Kindergarten
At The Hills Community Kindergarten, we promote a gentle transition to preschool. We offer an individualised approach to help children transition to our preschool routines and program. This arrangement seems appropriate to gently transitioning both the child and the parent from a home to a "school" environment.
2025 Waiting List is NOW CLOSED
When can I join the waiting list?
Children are able to be placed on the waiting list from their 2nd birthday.
The Kindergarten receives renewable annual funding from the NSW Department of Education and Communities to prioritise access for:
- Children in the year prior to school (i.e. turns 4 on or before 31 July of that preschool year)
- Children from low income families (i.e. holders of a current Low Income Health Care card)
- Children from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background
- Children from families whose main language is not English
- Children with additional needs
To join the waiting list please complete both of these forms and email them to office@thehillskindy.org.au
(It is a requirement of our Constitution that the parent becomes a member before registering your child on the waiting list).
What fees are applicable?
A fee of $20.00 applies to place your child on the waiting list ($10.00 to place your child on the waiting list and $10.00 to become a member of our Association). Once we receive your forms via email we will reply with our bank details and a banking reference code so you can transfer the relevant fees.
We receive annual renewable funding from the NSW government. Currently our fee is $70.00 per day for 4 year olds. Families can also elect to receive the Start Strong Affordable Preschool fee relief of up to $4220 per child per year. Families can only claim this at one service and must complete a declaration form in order to receive the fee relief.
In addition, some families are eligible for equity fee relief, under the Department of Education and Communities funding guidelines, if they hold a Low Income Health Care card, Pensioner Concession card or Department of Veteran Affairs Gold card. Our current fee for equity fee relief families is $45.00 per day.
In addition to daily fees, an annual Building Levy of $160 will be charged to help cover the cost of maintenance to the building and playground as required by our lease with the council.
Am I eligible for Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?
No. The Kindergarten is State government funded and receives funding as per the guidelines above.
Our daily fee is set based on funding received and operational costs.
CCS is only available to child care services which receive funding through the Federal government.
We are a registered education service not a child care service.